Psychology of Pseudoscience

There is a distinct difference between having an open mind and having a hole in your head from which your brain leaks out.

"The Amazing" James Randi

About the Course

Are we walking around in a world full of ghosts, goblins, and aliens? In 2009, almost one in five (18%) American adults reported having seen a ghost. Several people have reported—in rich detail!—being abducted by aliens. Stories about creatures like Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monster continue to captivate our collective attention. But why do people cling so tightly to these beliefs? This course will help us understand the social and cognitive processes behind paranormal and pseudoscientific beliefs. We will also journey through critical thinking and the scientific method to better understand valid, reliable, and reproducible science and thereby better identify pseudoscience.

Within legal psychology, one of my favorite topics is misinformation. Why do people believe misinformation? How do misinformation and disinformation spread? How do people process complex information? These questions are part of why I'm interested in pseudoscience. Another reason why I love teaching pseudoscience is because much of legal and forensic psychology presented in the media is pseudoscientific — things like criminal profiling and polygraph tests!

Who's it for?

The course has no prerequisites. I integrate perspectives from social and cognitive psychology. The course is also an excellent fit for students in pre-nursing, pre-healthcare, and education programs.

Learning Objectives


Sample Schedule

Pseudoscience Schedule